
þriðjudagur, 15. nóvember 2005

Goodbye by penny

God took you away.
It dosen´t seem fair,
but in the back of my mind,
you will always be there.

You weren´t a close friend,
but our paths did cross,
and your absence in this world,
is to me a great loss.

You were too young to die, and
too innocent to feel that pain.
Only heaven benefits,
because you it has now gained.

I may think of you a little less
with each passing day,
but your strenght is something I won´t forget,
you have changed me in a way.

I wish for you eternal peace;
that´s what you deserve my friend.
I hope I lead my life well enough
to meet up with you in the end.

Ég hugsa bara til einnar manneskju þegar ég les þetta ljóð og finnst þetta lýsa öllu svo vel. Þér verður aldrei gleymt;*

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